Sunday, 16 November 2014

SEO Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Density

Be SEO Keyword SEO Expert
In search engine optimization (SEO) keyword density is the measurement in percentage of the number of times a particular keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words in a page.

Keyword Search

A type of search that looks for matching documents that contains one or more words specified by the user.

Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Frequency

In search engine optimization (SEO) keyword frequency is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a single web page.

Long Tail Keyword

Long tail keywords (also known as Narrow Keywords) are usually longer specific phrase or words relating to a site or subject. For Example "todays seo updation". Less people search for this term in Google but also (and more importantly) less sites use it so there is more chance you will get a click through from this result due to the lack of competition.

Short Tail Keyword

Short tail keywords (also known as Board Keywords) are usually short, generic words relating to a site or subject. For Example : "Seo Updation". More people search for this term in Google but also more sites use it so there is less chance you will get a click through from this result due to the high level of competition.

Finding Keyword

There are many different ways to find keywords for your website. Some good keyword ideas are : 
Title, Description, URL while Searching
  • Words people would search for to find your product or service.
  • Problems your prospective customers may be trying to solve with your product or service.
  • Keyword Tags on competitors websites.
  • Visible page copy on competitor's website.
  • Related search suggestions on top search engines.
  • By using an online tools like : Google keyword Tool.
  • By analyzing your website carefully and finding out proper keywords. This tasks can be done by SEO expert or SEO Copywriters.
  • Pay attention to stemming for your keywords particularly to what the root word is and what Google considers to be a match for that word when optimizing pages over time.
  • You can do brainstorming to identify correct keywords for your site.

Keyword Placement

Where your keywords are placed on a page is very important. For Example, in most engines, placing the keywords in the Title of the page or in the Heading tags will give it more relevancy. On some engines, placing keywords in the link text, the part that is underlined on the screen in a browser, can add more relevancy to those words.


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