Sunday, 16 November 2014

SEO Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Density

Be SEO Keyword SEO Expert
In search engine optimization (SEO) keyword density is the measurement in percentage of the number of times a particular keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words in a page.

Keyword Search

A type of search that looks for matching documents that contains one or more words specified by the user.

Keyword Analyzing

Keyword Frequency

In search engine optimization (SEO) keyword frequency is the number of times a keyword or phrase appears on a single web page.

Long Tail Keyword

Long tail keywords (also known as Narrow Keywords) are usually longer specific phrase or words relating to a site or subject. For Example "todays seo updation". Less people search for this term in Google but also (and more importantly) less sites use it so there is more chance you will get a click through from this result due to the lack of competition.

Short Tail Keyword

Short tail keywords (also known as Board Keywords) are usually short, generic words relating to a site or subject. For Example : "Seo Updation". More people search for this term in Google but also more sites use it so there is less chance you will get a click through from this result due to the high level of competition.

Finding Keyword

There are many different ways to find keywords for your website. Some good keyword ideas are : 
Title, Description, URL while Searching
  • Words people would search for to find your product or service.
  • Problems your prospective customers may be trying to solve with your product or service.
  • Keyword Tags on competitors websites.
  • Visible page copy on competitor's website.
  • Related search suggestions on top search engines.
  • By using an online tools like : Google keyword Tool.
  • By analyzing your website carefully and finding out proper keywords. This tasks can be done by SEO expert or SEO Copywriters.
  • Pay attention to stemming for your keywords particularly to what the root word is and what Google considers to be a match for that word when optimizing pages over time.
  • You can do brainstorming to identify correct keywords for your site.

Keyword Placement

Where your keywords are placed on a page is very important. For Example, in most engines, placing the keywords in the Title of the page or in the Heading tags will give it more relevancy. On some engines, placing keywords in the link text, the part that is underlined on the screen in a browser, can add more relevancy to those words.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

SEO On Page

What makes complete SEO ?

On-page SEO and Off-page SEO combines to form SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


What is On Page SEO ?

On page includes providing good content, good keywords selection, putting keywords on correct places, giving appropriate title to every page etc.

On-page SEO

On Page Optimization

On page optimization is basically the effort which you put on the website and is clearly visible, Like :

  • Optimizing the existing content
  • HTML code corrections
  • Remove broken / Dead Links
  • Add Meta / Alt Tags
  • Add Google and XML Site Map
  • Analytic Setup
On-page Optimization

It is very important that On page Optimization is done correctly for a website as this educated search crawlers and spiders about the theme of the website and which keywords you are targeting to rank on. On page Optimization is usually done once on the website however SEO Agency does On Page Optimization after 3 months to keep the site fresh for Search Engine.

On Page SEO Checklist

  • Always start with keyword selection, research and testing
  • Meta Description Tag
  • ALT Tags
  • H1 Tags
  • URL structure
  • Internal Linking Strategy
  • Content
  • Keyword Density
  • Site Maps, Both XML and user facing
  • Usability and Accessibility
  • Track target keywords
  • Expect results in 6-12 months

Avoid common On Page SEO mistakes such as :

  • Duplicate content
  • URL Variants of the same pages
  • Off-site images and content on-site
  • Duplicate title tags

Avoid Spammy SEO Tactics such as :

  • Hidden Text
  • Hidden Links
  • Keywords Repetition
  • Doorway Pages
  • Mirror Pages
  • Cloaking
  • Title, Description, Age, Page rank, HTML codes

Keyword Analyzing

A word searched for in a search command. Keywords are searched in any order. Use spaces to separate keywords in simple keyword searching. A keyword is an index entry that identifies a specific record or document. A word used by a search engine in its search for relevant web pages.
  • One word
  • Two words
  • Three Words
The commonly used tools to get the keyword is Google Keyword Planner. We can Search the keywords that we needs and that keywords can be used in our site.

SEO Title

A title tag is the main text that describes an online document. It is the second most important on-page SEO element (the most important being overall content), and appears in three key places:  browsers, Search engines results pages and external websites.

Meta Description

Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs. These short paragraphs are a webmaster's opportunity to advertise content to searchers and to lets them know exactly whether the given page contains the information they're looking for.

The meta description should employ the keywords intelligently, but also create a compelling description that a searcher will to click. Direct relevance to the page and uniqueness between each page's Meta Description is key. The description should optimally be between 150-160 characters.

URL Structures

A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. Consider organizing your content so that URL's are constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans.

Creating Content For SEO

SEO Content

The content of a page is what makes it worthy of a search result position. It is what the user came to see and is thus extremely important to the search engines. As such, it is important to create good content. So what is good content ? From as SEO perspective, all good content has two attributes. Good content must supply a demand and must be link able.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

How Search Engine Works ??

What is Search Engine ??

A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search result are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine resulting pages (SERPs).
The information may be a specialist in web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike web directories, which are maintained only by human editors, search engines also maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler.

Search Engine Lists

Some popular Search Engines

GoogleBingYahooAol Searchwow

How Search Engine Works?

Search Engine perform several activities in order to deliver search results.

By Matt cutts (Head of Google's Web Spam Team) his Blog.

  • Crawling

It is the process of fetching all the webpages linked to the website. This task is performed by software, called a crawler or spider (or Google bot, as is the case with Google).

Google Crawling

  • Indexing

It is the process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a giant database from where it can be later be retrieved. Essentially, the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that best describe the page and assigning the page to particular keywords.

Google Indexing

  • Processing

When a search request comes, the search engine processes it. That is, it compares the search string in the search request with in indexed pages in the database.

  • Calculating Relevancy

Since it is likely that more than one page contains the search string, so the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string.

  • Retrieving Results

The last step in search engine's activities is retrieving the best matched results. Basically, it is nothing more than simply displaying them in the browser. 

Searching for "todays seo-updation" in Google search engine Displaying most relevant results.

Search Engine Rank

when you search any keywords using a search engine then it displays thousands of results found in its database. A page ranking is measured by the position of the web pages displayed in the search engine results.

If search engine is putting your web page on first position then your web page rank will be number 1 and it will be assumed as with a high rank. SEO is the process of designing and developing a web site to attend a high rank in search engine results.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

What Is SEO & Digital Marketing ??

SEO is only one part of Internet marketing or Digital Marketing. SEO (search engine optimization) is the activity of optimizing web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in search results.

Seo or Digital Marketing
SEO is the method or process of getting more traffic to our site from free, organic, editorial or natural search results on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.

The Scope for SEO

Over the 15 years that web search has existed, search marketers have found methods to extract information about how the search engines rank pages. SEOs and marketers use that data to help their sites and their clients achieve better positioning. SEO is the force behind a company's online success. Internet marketing is now a billion dollar industry and everyone is slowly but surely accepting this.
Internet Marketing Classifications

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing or online marketing or e-marketing is the marketing and promotion of products or services over the internet. Internet marketing can be broadly classified into following types :

Internet Marketing Ways

  • Display advertising

The use of web banners or banner ads placed on a third-party website or blog to drive traffic to a company's own website and increase product awareness. 

Display Advertising

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

It is a form of marketing that seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through the use of paid placement, contextual advertising and paid inclusion or through the use of free search engine optimization techniques also known as organic result.

Search Engine Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithms") search results.

Search Engine Optimization

  • Social Media Marketing

The process of gaining traffic or attention through social media websites such as facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus etc.

Social Media for your Business

  • Email Marketing

Directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using electronic mail.

  • Referral Marketing

A method of promoting products or services to new customers through referrals, usually, word of mouth.

Referral Marketing

  • Affiliate Marketing

A marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts.

Affiliate Marketing

  • Content Marketing

Th process of creating specialized content such as info graphics, blog articles and eBooks to attract more customers.

Inbound marketing : Involves creating and freely sharing informative content as a means of converting prospects into customers and customers into repeat buyers.

Inbound Marketing

  • Video Marketing

This type of marketing specializes in creating videos that engages the viewer into a buying state by presenting information in videos form and guiding them into a product or service online video is increasingly becoming more popular among internet users and companies are seeing it as a viable method of attracting customers.

Video Marketing Sites
SEO is the new face of the advertising area. Now, a lot of people and companies are using internet side to increase their own business.